Plot no 167, Above Yamaha Showroom, AirBypass road, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India.

+91 9618269510, +91 9866618236

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Tooth Pain

You may need Root Canal

:: Wisdom Tooth removal ::

Having pain in the back of your mouth ? Are you having the throbbing tooth pain. Tooth pain which relieves for some time when you have a pain killer and starts again.

you have fractured your tooth due to trauma

You may need a root canal treatment (RCT).
Root Canal Treatment ( RCT ) is commonly performed procedure to clean the pulp chamber and interior canals of tooth.
As the name root canal implies, this procedure involves cleaning, shaping and filling the tooth root canals.
This clears the infection and possible future infections.
Root Canal Specialists (Endodontists) at New Global Dental Clinic perform root canals using advanced technologies such as RVG, Xsmart endo motor, Apex locators... With the usage of technologies makes the procedure seemless and after procedure comfortable.